Great medium for showing the hands on aspect of some of the packs I've already been looking at. Came across a few of these today and thought I'd upload some of the best packs here. Great reference as your able to see more of the way these packages open in terms of their interactive elements but also the way they are put together and constructed. I'll try and add some of my own opinions beneath each vid as well so its not just a ton of videos on a page..
I know my breif is not for games and all these videos.. and actually most of the artwork I've looked at are of game collector packs. The reason for this is that people go mental for game packs and as such the developers capitalise on this by making bigger and better packs every year. That's why I'm focussing on this stuff, because collector packs in this area are arguably bigger and better than film packs.
Anyway, enough babbling:
StarCraft II Collectors Edition
Have to agree with the guy in the vid on this in that one of my favourite parts is the dog tag USB. It's a cool prop with a suprising twist, it's also usefull and you can take it around with you, show it off etc. The package itself opens really cool, looks great in terms of that matt finsish and looks really solid as a piece design relevant to the game.
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Collectors Edition
That's a nice looking book! Can't believe he said he wasn't going to flick through it. Nice way of presenting the book which ties into the old feel of the game although the main outer packaging is actually really poor. Definitly not something that you would want to keep at all and it actually looks really throw away. This is something I wanted to avoid when concepting my packaging. Ideally I'd want the case to be more of a prop in itself so the user already has a collectable item before they've even opened the box.
Uncharted 3: Drakes Fortune
Now this is more like it, box as a prop ha. It's great how everything works together though, very interactive and highly asthetic whilst also featuring some really cool props from the game. Fun to watch too, actually want to buy this.. even though I don't have a PlayStation.. or even a games console.
Tron Legacy Collector Pack
Clearly the only cool thing with this is the light disc holding the discs. It's a simple idea, one that I think is a little too obvious maybe but it's still a solid idea that works in with props as packaging. Aside from that though theirs nothing really special with this pack. The fact that even I'm not satisfied of excited about this edition however just shows that it's not all about the content of having 5000 discs in a pack, we want something more physical and unuiqe.
Batman Arkham City Collectors Edition
Again, not overly amazing but great for the money. Cool figure etc. What I do like is that the discs are held withing the art book. I'm currently worried about the scale of book I can make within the time and don't really want a 20 page art book. Adding disc's to the book would make it more substantial but it may also make flicking through a nightmare because you'd have this big chunk of discs at the back. The other negative side is that I wouldnt be able to make sleeves or cases for the discs as I'd origionally planned.
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