Friday, 17 February 2012

Rework of the Book Concept

Few little change that I spoke about in the previous post. Also played around with the spacing on the whole thing to make it a little tighter. This section at least is pretty much there now, ready for tracing. Feels almost pointless tracing over art as appose to making my own though. Might not be as motivating during the whole drawing process but as said before, I need to apply my style of illustration to a subject and the art work was already there.

Next step from this will be to continue with the book layout. List to do today will be adding all the copy and working on the revised contents page which is as follows:

The court house square 1985(MARTY’s JOURNEY IN THIS BOOK). Introduction to the movie but also just the type that follows the imagery of the art book.

20 Page Art Book


Making Music - Alan silvistri (Composer)

Could it all be true? Small section on the theories of time travel

First drafted script of Back to the Future 1

**Note - Left one page white before the entrace of the Lybans because its still a pretty light feel in the film and left but changed the opposite page white. Not too sure this works together and it feels more of an extension on the previous layout scheme which was the time travel scene. I'll test it in black, if it doesnt work I'll take another look at the layout.

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